Thank You!
We are so lucky to have such a great school community. Thank you all for the way you are supporting your children and helping them to feel safe and happy in whatever COVID 19 level or restriction we happen to be in, in these bizarre times. By everyone feeling happy and calm it is much easier to adapt to the constant changes around us and there are many. Please make sure you are looking after yourselves as well. ‘Oxygen masks’ on adults first, so you can take care of others.
None of us want to go back through the Levels, though I guess it is inevitable. Poor Auckland – we are just so pleased we are still in Level 2. ????
Please Note: Drop Offs and Pick Ups
Thank you for moving back to the gate drop off and pick up so quickly that the students have hardly even registered the change, which is great to see. Parents still need to stay off our school site. Exceptions are as follows: Our newest classes, Harakeke 18 and Puriri 5 can still have one parent come onto site, if they sign in. With smaller numbers in Harekeke18, if needed one parent can sign in and sanitise before coming into the classroom. Other parents of students who need special support may also come onsite and sign in as needed – please just let us know. Parents who are coaching teams may come onsite after signing and sanitizing, as long as there are less than 10 students outside with an adult.
In this uncertain world we will continue to adapt to achieve the best we can for our students and keep life as normal as possible. The following changes apply as we head into next week:
- The Lit Quiz has been postponed
- The Inter School Chess Tournament is pending announcements. Year 5 & 6 Players will still have their knock out tournament this Friday.
- The decision regarding the Discos will be decided after the August 21st announcements. At this stage under Level 2 there is a maximum of 100 in the TCC. If we move back to Level 1 these discos will go ahead.
- Assemblies will not happen in Level 2.
- Kapa Haka – Numbers will be reduced and same syndicate-only practises will occur.
- ICAS exams can continue.
- Sports Photos will continue with extra organisation on Thursday.
- Kids 4 Kids Choir is going ahead at this stage but I will hold separate Syndicate practices.
- With practices in the TCC limited and other uncertainties the Taupiri Show will now be filmed to ensure everyone can perform. Classes may be able to perform live in front of the school at a later stage.
- Inter School Cross Countries have been cancelled. However we are asking to host an elite – reduced athlete event on our course. Keep training if you are in our top few!
- Author Des Hunt is still coming to talk with our Senior classes on Monday.
- Daffodil Day will be going ahead everywhere except Auckland. Wear bright colours on Friday 28th and bring a gold coin donation for the Cancer Society.
Life in Level 2
All of New Zealand excluding Auckland region (Ministry of Education Information)
Alert Level 2 applies:-
- At Alert Level 2 it is safe for all students, children and staff to attend school and early learning. There will be appropriate precautions in place.
- Children and staff who are at higher-risk of severe illness are encouraged to take additional precautions when leaving home.
- Please be alert to illness and ask anyone who is presenting as unwell to go home, or ask parents and caregivers to come and pick the child up.
- Messaging about good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette to be reinforced.
- Soap and water is very appropriate for washing hands, particularly if hand sanitiser stocks are low.
- For schools, children, young people and staff should be far enough away from each other so that they are not breathing on or touching each other, coupled with good hygiene practices and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces. There does not need to be a specific measurement but where practicable and reasonable 1 metre can be used as a guide, particularly between adults.
- Physical distancing of 2 metres is recommended for parents and caregivers, from people they don’t know (to align with public health measures outside the school grounds).
Masks are not required at schools and early learning services at Alert levels 2 and 3.
- We will be following our school organisational practices as outlined in our newsletters last week. Click here for details
Cross Country Congratulations
Our annual Cross Country was a great success last Thursday. We were lucky to have a fabulous day, the sunshine together with parents scattered around the reserve made it a special day for excited children as they took up the challenge.
It was wonderful to see our Kia Maia – Confident Can Do Kids striving to do their best with a positive attitude. We are so proud of all our students, the ones who achieved highly, right through to the students who showed courage and resilience towards the back of the field. Well done everyone! It was also great to see Kia Manaaki and Kia Kotahi displays of respect and support being shown by our students on the day.

Thank you to all those who came and supported the event.The children were that much more motivated and enthusiastic by having you there, even if this year you had to cheer loudly from the perimeter of the school grounds!
A massive thank you to Ms Copponi and Mrs Metcalfe for organising our school cross country, giving our students the opportunity to reach their personal goals.
We are pleased to share the names of the children who achieved the top 5 places in their year group:
Year 0 Girls | Year 0 Boys |
1st Rebe M 2nd Tori A 3rd Amelia J 4th Ayla H 5th Jamie J |
1st Quinn B 2nd Zachary H 3rd Ollie H 4th Asher J 5th Hayden N |
Year 1 Girls | Year 1 Boys |
1st Maddie R 2nd Harriet L 3rd Bridgette C 4th Thea B 5th Ava T |
1st Dylan H 2nd Benji v 3rd Lucas P 4th Kent H 5th Sebastian C |
Year 2 Girls | Year 2 Boys |
1st Emma C 2nd Sophia M 3rd Addison M 4th India D 5th Greta C |
1st Cohen C 2nd Reed L 3rd Nico V 4th Fergus K 5th Millen M |
Year 3 Girls | Year 3 Boys |
1st Imani B 2nd Macie M 3rd Stella H 4th Monica C 5th Estelle D |
1st Ethan B 2nd Winston P 3rd Daniel E 4th Mason R 5th Max D |
Year 4 Girls | Year 4 Boys |
1st Jessie H 2nd Lila R 3rd Vivian S 4th Holly C 5th Eva M |
1st Cadel H 2nd Cooper T 3rd Josiah B 4th Alex G 5th Fergus G |
Year 5 Girls | Year 5 Boys |
1st Caterina H 2nd Poppy L 3rd Ariana H 4th Kate H 5th India M |
1st Dylan M 2nd Ethan K 3rd Christian C 4th Henry D 5th Timmy C |
Year 6 Girls | Year 6 Boys |
1st Tiara L 2nd Piper P 3rd Ava L 4th Sophie M 5th Briana M-R |
1st Luca M 2nd Ollie S 3rd Will R 4th Georgez R 5th James M |
Taupiri Syndicate Photo Gallery
Pirongia Syndicate Photo Gallery
Maungatautari Syndicate Photo Gallery
Vision Consultation – What do you think?
If you missed last week’s newsletter, we would love to get our school communities feedback on our Vision. As part of our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) Professional development we have been re looking at our vision to make it more user friendly for our students and better able to be used in all learning and behavioural situations at our school. What we have developed so far is below. We still love our Vision and use it daily but just want to update it for further use and to have specific language around the Vision Kids. What do you think? Are we hitting the mark? Do these statements and values resonate with you and achieve what you want your child and their school to develop? To have your say in our very short 2-4 question survey, please click here. Can we please have your responses by this Wednesday. Thank you.

Kids For Kids Choir News
We have 45 of our students taking part in this spectacular show. This year’s Kids for Kids is all about celebrating Aotearoa’s ‘Big Aroha’, seeing young people come together to celebrate some of the best of Kiwi music and participate in a mass choir performance, fronted by iconic Kiwi entertainer Jackie Clarke and musician Nathan King.
At this stage we are still continuing with our plans for Kids for Kids to take place in Week 8, on Thursday 10th September. Tickets are now on sale by clicking here.
Please be aware that we will need to move back to Level 1 for this event to take place. Should anything change, or adjustment to levels mean that Kids for Kids cannot take place, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Slow Down Around Our School
We have received reports of very concerning driver behaviour in and around our school, in particular the carpark area adjacent to the bus stop. Regardless of weather or being late, we need to act better, to ensure the safety of our community.
Please remember to:
- Let children out on the footpath side of the car.
- Park, leaving space to see the pedestrian crossings.
- Use the Road Patrol crossing if you are on the North side of our school.
- Always be respectful of other road users and leave our disabled car parks for those that need them.
- Respect and obey the NZ road laws.
Thank you for keeping our students safe!

ICAS Exams
We held our Science Exam today and we will be continuing with the schedule below whether it is Level 2 or not. We will be further distancing the students who are in Pirongia from those in Maungatautari.
Here is a reminder of the dates:
Tuesday 25th August – English
Wednesday 26th August – Digital Technologies
Wednesday 2nd September – Spelling
Thursday 3rd September – Mathematics

Team Photos Tomorrow!
Sports Photos will still happen despite Level 2 restrictions, with greater distances and slightly different management. Please make sure your children bring their sports uniforms and correct socks, cricket whites for Saturday morning players, etc to school TOMORROW. Please note that the children are not required to bring along shin pads, boots or any equipment.
We aim to follow the timetable set out below, however these times are only a guide.
The Photo Day Timetable is as follows:
8.30am Netball x 7 teams
9.10am Football x 14 teams
10.30am Morning Tea
10.50am Basketball x 4 teams
11.10am Cricket x 4 teams
11.30am Flippaball x 3 teams
11.50am Hockey x 6 teams
12.20am Jump Jam x 3 teams
12.30pm Lunch
1.20pm Touch Rugby x 7 teams
1.55pm Rugby x 3 teams

Disco News
We are still hoping to be able to hold the Pirongia and Maungatautari School Discos on Thursday 27th August. We may of course have to pull the pin on these events depending on COVID 19 restrictions at the time, but in the meantime we encourage all our Maungatautari & Pirongia students to think about what they may want to wear. Our Disco theme is T.M.C.S – children can dress in a character or anything that starts with one of the letters of our school name . e.g. T = Teacher, M= Monster, C = Cyclist & S = SpiderMan.
Tickets are available through classroom teachers – disco tickets are $5.00, which includes a bag of popcorn and pizza slices are $1.00 per slice. Payment must be made to the classroom teacher in cash.
We ask that children bring along a full water bottle, which they can refill. There will also be a stall offering treats for sale on the night, so feel free to bring some pocket money along.
Just a reminder of the times –
- Pirongia Disco is on from 5:10pm – 6:30pm
- Maungatautari Disco from 7:00pm – 8:20pm

Enrolments for Berkley Normal Middle School
All 2021 enrolments for Berkley Normal Middle School are due by 4.00pm on Wednesday 26 August – this includes both in-zone and out-of-zone enrolments. Out-of-zone enrolments must be received at the office by 26 August to be eligible for the enrolment ballot.

Dad’s Army Working Bee – 29th August
Calling all parents……
Dad’s Army is having a working bee on Saturday the 29th of August from 8:30am to 11:30am. Our job is to sort out the large rounds and woodchip that remain from cutting down the casuarina south of the pool. We need to create a playground similar to the one nearby and we’re looking for 8-10 people to get the job done in a morning.
Tools needed: Shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows
If you’re new to the school or just haven’t quite got around to signing up yet, there’s a Tamahere Dad’s Army Facebook Group that provides a great way of keeping up with Dad’s Army events (including social events) which you can link to from here

Gourmet to Go Food Trucks back tomorrow night !
Don’t forget to head down to the school tomorrow evening to grab yourself dinner on the way home from one of the ‘Gourmet to Go” Food Trucks. Come and get dinner sorted on a Thursday night, available between 5.00 to 8.00pm.

Year 4 Camp
Camp information was sent home with all Year 4 students last week. Please read over and check the Student Health Form, resign it and send it back to school. We have started the call for parent volunteers again; if you are interested in coming on camp with us, please fill out the Volunteer Form and send that back to school as well. If you have any questions, please see your child’s teacher.

Call for Resources
Does anyone have any office-type partition boards that we could use to display art on? We are also on the hunt for either wooden pallets (x2) or a length of ply that we can use to nail into and display 150 small plaster of paris items. If you can help with either of these requests, could you please email Leah Mills

Daffodil Day- Friday 28th August
We will be celebrating Daffodil Day this year by wearing colours on Friday 28th. Please bring a gold coin donation for the Cancer Society, to support Cancer research.
A huge thank you for your support!

Exciting new look Ag Day this year
We have an exciting new look to AG Day this year. There are more categories for everyone to get involved in. It is wonderful to have our Calves category back for 2020, following biosecurity guidelines. We have also introduced a Pony Category and the garden category, as you can see below. Our Horticultural Happenings have been reviewed and revamped and we now have a two year cyclic programme to keep variety, along with family items and activities. We have no overseas trips planned these holidays, so why not take this opportunity to raise a lamb, kid, calf or chicken, develop gardens and create hanging baskets or a scarecrow, as a family activity? We want Ag Day 2020 to be a very special event! The PTA will be baking – what more could we ask for? Sunshine – maybe!
Thursday 15th October (Week 1 Term 4)
On this day our school will be open to our community, family and friends to celebrate our children’s achievements and our agricultural heritage.
To enable our whole school to be involved in the day, all students will have the opportunity to bring an animal, a caged pet or our students who do not choose to bring an animal, will compete in the ‘Horticultural Happenings’ activities, which will be notified closer to the time.

Having the opportunity to rear a pet is very special. The skills and hard work put in to raise and care for a live animal are also a great way of learning very important life skills and responsibility.
If you are new to Ag Day, welcome! There are a number of resources and information leaflets that can be picked up from our school reception or local vets.
How to enter an Animal for Ag Day
Each child that wishes to enter an animal into Ag Day will need to complete an entry form, which can be collected from the School Office. Entry forms will need to be returned by the end of Term 3 to allow for all the data to be entered and ribbons to be ordered.
We will be holding an Animal Demo and Judges Visit day during Week 8 of Term 3, to give advice on how to look after the animals and prepare for Ag Day. All children entering animals should attend and parents are also welcome.
A Free Animal Health Check day for lambs, goats and calves is also kindly offered by one of our Sponsors, Cambridge Vets, where they will offer free vaccinations and tail docking. The date for this will be September 12th (Saturday) 9-10am in the TCC carpark.
Pet Diary
Children are also encouraged to keep a “Pet Diary” with details about their Pet’s breed, date of birth, feeding and health details. It is up to the child as to what they choose to submit for this, there is no set criteria. This year children have two options: the first being a hard copy notebook, clear file etc. The second is to create a google slide pet diary. You can click on this link to view an example.
Pet Diaries will need to be submitted for judging at the end of the term.
Animal Contacts:
If you do not already have your own animals, then we have the following contacts available:
Contact Amy Beech 021 542 547
Amy will be offering lambs to be raised, available from mid-August through to October, however the sooner people get in touch with her the better. Lambs are $65 each, then this money is refunded on the return of a weaned, healthy lamb after Ag day. Amy is also able to offer advice on rearing.

Contact Roger Duncan 021 929 163
Roger (and his wife Karen) will be offering calves for sale (not to be returned to farm), they are also available to offer advice, and can sell feed/colostrum etc to assist with the raising of the calf as required.

Unfortunately our previous contact for goats does not have any kids available this year. If any parents know of anyone in the community we would love to hear from you.

Eureka Poultry Farm will be able to supply 7 week old Hyline chicks for anyone that wants to raise a chicken. Cost is $24 per chick and they will be available from 9th September. They will be feathered and old enough to go in a cage outside. Will need to keep an eye on them if the weather turns cold.
Maria at Eureka Poultry Farm will be arranging a day for the chicks to be dropped off and picked up from school.
We will also be having a section for “Show chickens” this year, if children have a special chicken which they would like to bring to show.

Caged pets
A caged pet is an animal that is happy to be caged, so no cats or dogs please, Any questions as to whether it is appropriate please ask your classroom teacher.

This is a new section this year and this event will be a leading day, with no riding. Children are to lead their ponies in tidy riding attire.
There will be a Champion and Reserve for each age section, taken from points scored in classes 1-3:
- Best Cared for Pony (turnout)
- Best Leader
- Most loved Pony and Educated Handler
The winners of the Best Leader in each age group will come together at the conclusion of the first 3 classes for the judging of the Champion and Reserve Pony Leader.
Classes 4, 5 & 6 are fun classes and will happen at the conclusion of the Champion judging:
- Best Trick
- Obstacle Course
- Fancy Dress
Pony Entry forms are available at the school office. The final day for handing in entry forms is Monday 21st September. Any questions, please email Bridget Hawthorn on

Trophy Return: Can we please ask that all 2019 trophies now be returned to the school office as soon as possible.

This day could not be achieved without our sponsors and parent helpers. If you have a local business who wishes to sponsor any prizes, or are available to help out our Ag Day committee in anyway please contact:
Frances McKenzie (021 206 9451)
or Rachel Algar (020 422 6711)
Tamahere School Vege Garden Competition 2020
This year we are very excited to be running our first Tamahere School Vege Garden Competition! leading up to our school Agricultural Day on Thursday 15th October, with prizes kindly sponsored by Amber Garden Centre.
Gardening is a skill that used to be readily passed on from one generation to the next, but with changing lifestyles many children grow up without learning any basic gardening skills. Getting them into the garden is a wonderful way to teach them about nature and where their food comes from. It also helps to gain an appreciation of the importance of plants and of the natural world in our lives.
Giving children responsibility for a few plants will start them on the path to learning valuable lessons about nurturing other living things.
How to enter:
Any child who wishes to enter must complete an entry form available from the school office. Entries must be received by Tuesday 1st September 2020. Since this is our first year we are leaving the criteria open to the children to decide what they would like to create. Get inventive and use your imagination!
Entries can be something as simple as lettuce grown in an upcycled container, through to a project carefully thought through with an elderly neighbour or grandparent.
Children will need to keep a diary containing details on what, and when, they have planted, plants may be started as seeds or seedlings and children should understand basic principles such as planning the garden, preparing the soil, watering, pest and weed management.
Other than that, we are keen to see our children outside enjoying the fresh air, hands on and getting creative!
Competition Timeframe:
The competition will open on Saturday 29th August. Gardens must be started on or after this date, and can run until judging, which will occur during the first two weeks of October, with prize winners announced at Ag Day on the 15th October.
Some tips on where to start:
Advice from your local garden centre – The team at Amber Nurseries are very friendly and happy to help with ideas.
The below websites also have a lot of useful information:
Tui Kids Gardening Guide
Mitre 10 – How to grow spring veges
Yates – How to get started in the garden
Amber Nurseries
Thanks again to Amber Garden Centre for your generous support!

Waikato A&P Show Kids Competitions to Enter

Round The Bridges
Round the Bridges is planned for November 15th this year, celebrating the 75th running of the event. Classic Events are the organisers and once again Energize will be involved with the Kids Challenge. Entry for this event is now open, with the super saver rate of $6 being available until August 31st.
To everyone who would like to join the ROUND THE BRIDGES event on November 15th, please register and pay using the link. On the first page of registration, please select “Team”, then “Join a Team”. Once you do that, a drop-down menu appears. Select your team name Tamahere Model Country School from the alphabetical menu, then continue with the remainder of the registration.
Nearer the time we will meet as a team and discuss how we will organise a meeting place for all participants and their families.
Lee Boyd