Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2020
He mihi nui moo teenei wiki, te wiki o te reo Maaori.
I teenei wiki, e ako ana ngaa tauira i etahi raarangi me ngaa kupu hou.
Te Roopu Maori Nunui o Maungatautari i taki i te kura
i nga aahua o te raa o te wiki, te huarere, teetahi raarangi mo te karaehe,
me e taataki ana i te karakia.
Greetings to you all for this week, Te Reo Māori Language Week.
This week, students have learnt some new sentence patterns and vocabulary.
The Maungatautari Te Reo Māori Extension have lead the school in aspects
such as the day and date of the week, the weather, sentences to be used in the classroom and led our karakia.

Family Zone/Linewize
Thank you to all the families who joined us last Friday for the internet safety meeting with our internet safety provider Family Zone. Saunil Hagler shared a number of statistics around internet use and abuse by young people, both accidentally and deliberately, when using devices. At school all devices fall under the Family Zone safety net and cannot access harmful content. However, we are growing increasingly concerned with the number of students accessing social media sites and being impacted when they are too young to really understand and manage the content that they are being exposed to.
We invited Family Zone to meet with our parents as they have a very efficient free App to monitor usage on devices, along with a comprehensive management tool ($69.00 annual fee) that parents can use to manage children’s usage. They also have a one-off $100.00 box that will give your family a personal wi-fi, managed by parents for any device that enters your family home. If you are interested in any of these safety factors, please click this link to explore these options further.
Information raised at the meeting has led us to investigate some of our practices more fully. We learnt the importance of parents setting up the administration aspects of children’s Chromebooks, before a child takes ownership. This is essential and we hope to run workshops around this in the future and are also putting together a one page information guide.
Please contact us if and when you purchase a new device, so that we can help you with setting up new administration protocols.
If you are concerned about your child’s device settings, please contact our wonderful IT specialist, Jiaming Zhang jzhang@tamahere.school.nz

Life Education Visit
Taupiri Syndicates visits with Harold
Over the past two weeks Taupiri children have been very excited after spending time visiting Harold the giraffe, as well as his friends Nicky and Katie in the Life Education truck. Our visits included a variety of tips and tools to help us understand our feelings and how to deal with them. We explored how our feelings influence the way we act. We learnt how to use a range of strategies to help us deal with them, including understanding how to respond rather than react, how to talk about our feelings to help overcome them, all while developing the confidence and understanding that we are in control of our feelings and responses. This in turn left us with a firm understanding of how our feelings can impact and enhance what kind of friend we can be. This was a very positive, interactive and enjoyable experience for all children.
Thank you Harold, Nicky and Katie.
Pirongia Life Education
All the students and teachers in Pirongia Syndicate thoroughly enjoyed their lessons with Nicky and Harold. The children were exposed to some big learning around 2 key words: REACT and RESPOND and encouraged to employ strategies to stop, pause and think so that they can respond rather than react. Nicky taught the students about how to be an UPSTANDER and empowered the children to stand up for themselves and others. All classes strapped themselves in and took a trip to outer space where they landed on ‘Conformatron’; this adventure reiterated that differences are to be celebrated and embraced!
Maungatautari Syndicate
Life Ed is always one of our highlights and this year, more than other years, we were so grateful to be able to go ahead with this amazing learning opportunity. Maungatautari students received two lessons with their class in the Life Education truck, diving into the topic of cyber safety and peer pressure. This was timely learning for our seniors and an introduction to our inquiry topic next term around being a safe digital learner.

Cambridge Vets Visit
We had perfect weather for our Animal health check visit by Cambridge Vets on Saturday morning, offering free vaccinations and tail docking for lambs, calves and goats.
We had a great turn out, so much so that luckily Addison M’s Grandad, who is a vet, kindly got involved helping out Kelvin Scown from Cambridge Vets. Massive thanks to Cambridge Vets for supporting our Ag Day and Justine Cooper for organising the visit.

Ag Day News
All Ag Day entries close this Monday 21st September.
Kid Entries: We are keen to have some more Kid entries in our Ag Day! If anyone is considering raising a kid please do!! Also please let us know if anyone has any kids available to be raised by a child this year.
Ag Day Diaries
- Children can work on their dairies over the school holidays and have up until Ag Day (October 15th) to submit their animal diary to the school office.
- Children with Vege Garden Diaries must keep them to show the judges when they visit their home gardens, then will submit their vege garden diaries to the judges when they visit. The diaries will be returned to the students following judging.
Ag Day Sausage Sizzle
- Children can pre-order sausages for their lunch on Ag Day. Sausages will be sold for $2.00 each.
- An order form will go home on the 1st day of Term 4 and needs to be back with money by 9.00am on Wednesday 14th October, to collate in time.
Ag Day Animal Parade
- This year we will be holding an Animal Parade at the conclusion of the lamb, calf and kid judging, and prior to everyone coming together for the prize giving at approximately 1.00pm.
- Children may bring along whatever items of fancy dress they choose for their animal (and themselves if they wish!)
- Spot prizes will be awarded for best dressed!
Note: Due to M. Bovis all calves must be 2m socially distanced from other calves at all times.
Chicken Judges Talk:
We are extremely grateful to our Chicken Judge, Dave Watson for giving up his time on Tuesday afternoon to help prepare the children with chickens for Ag Day

TMCS GOLF DAY – SAVE THE DATE – Friday 4 December 2020
The committee for Golf Day 2020 are looking for extra hands to assist with planning and help on the day.
This is a well-attended and fun day out at the Riverside Golf Club.
Last year the event raised in excess of $11,000 – allocated to the imminent installation of new school playgrounds.
If you can spare some time to help plan, source sponsors or prizes, or help on the day
Please contact Howard.Baker@jennian.co.nz or lboyd@tamahere.school.nz
This may be the only major school fundraiser to go ahead this year.
With many helpers we can make this day a HUGE success – all for the benefit of our children!
Thank you

Yummy Stickers
Can we have all full Yummy Sticker sheets handed into the office by the end of the week please. It’s time to send them away to redeem for free sports gear. Thanks.

Preparing for Middle School with Inspire Mindfulness
Is your child starting middle school soon? This programme has been designed to support children with making their transition from primary to middle school a smooth one!
After this 8 week programme, your child will have a toolkit to help them feel empowered, calm and ready to start the next great adventure in their life! We look at building resilience, dealing with those niggling worries and focusing on how being in the present moment helps to calm our amazing brain!
Your child will not only learn about mindfulness and resilience, they will also learn about the science behind why we practice mindfulness. This helps to support your child with the importance of why they need to take care of their wellbeing. After all, when we know why, we are more likely to do.
Mindful movement, mindful eating and body scan practices are just a few elements of the programme. Your child will be taught how to notice their feelings without judgement. They will learn how to deal with “big feelings” as they occur. They will learn how to live in the present moment. Alongside this, your child will have the opportunity to build friendships with children the same age. We also have lots of fun and celebration of learning along the way!
What is included in the 8 week programme?
- A weekly 45 minute session for your child to attend at Tamahere Country Model School – starting Wednesday 14th October 1:15-2:00pm. Classes run on each Wednesday until 2nd December.
- A mindfulness booklet with transition focused mindfulness activities. This also has details of what your child has learned in class.
Who is the programme for?
This programme is for all children who are in their last year of primary school. We think mindfulness is awesome for all children (there is plenty of science to show how great mindfulness is!). Just like we are taught about our physical health, knowledge of our mental health is for everyone too! There is no religious element to this course; our focus is on living in the moment and the science of the benefits of mindfulness. If your child has specific needs you wish to discuss with me prior to booking, please contact me on 0210 853 4566.
Please click on the link to purchase a ticket and to find out more information.

Tennis Lessons with Pete Hoyland in Term 4

Spanish Club – Term 4

Dear Parents,
Fun Languages offers an opportunity for children aged 2-12 years old to learn Spanish. Our team are all fluent or native Spanish speakers and passionate about taking children on a journey of discovery through the language and culture of Spanish speaking countries. The focus is on fun games, activities, songs and crafts that will enable them to use their new language for real purpose.
When: Fridays 2:30pm-3:30pm
Where: Tamahere Community Centre – downstairs
9 week term: 16/10/2020-11/12/2020
Cost: $15 per session. 9 week term = $135

Please register your interest at amber@lcfclubs.co.nz or call 022 199 3958
Ballot for 2021 Reminder
For all out-of-zone families expecting to enrol a child at Tamahere Model Country School in 2021, our annual ballot for Out-of-Zone placements is open until 3:00 pm on Tuesday 13th October 2020. Please note if you are out-of-zone, even if your child is a sibling of a current student, you have to be in the ballot to have a chance of your child being enrolled at our school in 2021. As with the last few years, except for siblings and possible priority enrolments, no out-of-zone children will be allocated a ballot place in 2021. This is to help alleviate the overcrowding challenges we are currently facing.

Class Placements 2021 – Reminder
As we approach Term 4 it is once again time for us to start planning our classroom environments for next year.
When we organise classes in our school we look at each of our students’ academic and social needs and abilities. We use our cumulative teachers’ notes and check friendships with each child. We strive to achieve the best possible learning environments for all of our students and teachers. We actively decide to separate some students and join others, to achieve the best possible learning and teaching outcomes.
While providing support, we also work to build resilience and independence in our students, so that they will be able to cope with change and the next steps in their educational journeys when they transition from us to other schools. Our aim with mixing students around is to develop a school environment where students know and are happy to work with many other students, to give opportunities to develop further friendships and to have a break from others to improve concentration and learning.
If you believe you have any special information that you feel our teachers may not be aware of, for example – the possibility of avoiding a competitive cousin in the same class, please let your class teacher know as they will add any relevant comments to the cumulative placement sheet.
It is important if you have any information to share that you let us know before the end of this term.
Hats Term 4 Reminder
With hats being compulsory for Term 4, it is a great time to organise for children’s names (first name and first letter of surname) to be embroidered on the back of their school hats. This costs only $8.00 each! Not only is this an extremely competitive price, but the investment in purchasing only one hat and eliminating the need for several replacements more than pays for itself.
This is not just for brand new hat purchases but existing hats too!
To be included in time for Term 4, please bring your child’s hat to the school office with your $8 payment (or order a new one for a total of $28). This can take between 1-2 weeks, so please order as soon as possible.

Waikato Primary Schools Tennis Championships 2020 – Year 5 & 6 entries welcome
The Waikato Primary Schools Tennis Championships are being held on Thursday 29th October 2020, from 9.00am to approximately 4.00pm. If the event is rained off, the postponement date is the following day on Friday 30th October. The tournament is being held at the Waikato Tennis Centre located at 30 Old Farm Road.
The matches are played in either singles or doubles (you can only choose one option) and the format is 1 tie-breaker set to 6 games.
We will be accepting entries from Year 5 & 6 students only. The entry fee is $25.00 per student and parents must be available to support their child for the full day of competition, which includes transport and supervision.
Please email acopponi@tamahere.school.nz if you wish to enter your child, providing contact details. Registrations close next Wednesday 23rd September.
Thank you
Ann Marie Copponi