Pirongia Arts Sharing
Wow! What a wonderful display and performance we were all able to enjoy as Pirongia Syndicate shared their creativity and learning around the Arts based on New Zealand, writers, poets, artists and musicians. Thank you also for the great turn out to support this. It was so lovely that we could all get together on the first day of the new Level 1. Every student had something to share and the children were very proud of themselves. The children certainly rose to the occasion and sang their hearts out to some New Zealand-themed old school classics – we could see many parents knew the words well!
Sincere thanks goes to the group of parents who helped set up the amazing displays, we are immensely grateful. Congratulations also to all of the Pirongia teachers, who were able to pull this magnificent display of the arts together during challenging times. Well done everyone, we are very proud of you!
Maungatautari Speeches
Throughout this term the Year 5 and 6 students have been involved in writing speeches, to either persuade or to inform. Speeches were delivered in classes a few weeks ago, with 3-4 students from each class selected to share across their pod. From here four students were selected to go through to the Syndicate Speech finals, held last week.
Congratulations to Mei C, who was our overall winner and Taira L and Ollie S who came second equal. These students will be competing at the Country Cluster speech finals this Thursday at Tauwhare School, we wish them luck!
We are proud of all the students for displaying a kia maia attitude and embracing this learning opportunity, with speeches that were varied in topic selection and very enjoyable to listen to.
Happy Holidays
What a great Term we have had, even having to negotiate around the Level 2 restrictions!
We wish all our families a wonderful two-week break, and hope you all get to enjoy some sun and relaxation. Many of you will be busy caring for lambs and calves. We are excited that we have over 70 lambs coming to Ag Day on the first Thursday of next term, along with 14 calves and 24 ponies to mention only some categories!
Please remember that hats are compulsory in Term 4.
Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all back in Term 4, on Monday 12th of October at 8:30 am. The final day of school for Term 4 will be on Thursday 17th December.

Upcoming Mid -Term Board of Trustees Election
How about becoming a trustee and using your skills and experiences to help shape a positive future for our children?
The Board of Trustees is the employer of all school staff and sets the school’s overall strategic direction. The membership of the school board includes elected parent representatives, an elected staff representative and the Principal, who is the board’s ‘chief executive’ and manages the school operations in line with the board’s policies.
School trustees have a very important role in making sure every child at our school can reach their highest possible standard in educational achievement. If you want to know more about what trustees do, view here.
Here are some of the things they do:
- Work with the principal and consult with staff, students and the community
- Set the educational goals and strategic direction of the school
- Monitor progress and inform parents on how the school is progressing against its annual targets and on the development of the students
- Decide how the school’s funding will be spent
- Select the school’s principal and support the development of all staff
- Ensure the school is a physically and emotionally safe place for all students and staff, and is inclusive of and caters for students with differing needs
- Oversee the management of staff, property, finances, curriculum and administration.
What sort of skills do trustees need?
Trustees are active leaders in their schools and need a balance of skills and experiences. They need to work well in a team, be able to put plans in place for the school’s future, ask challenging questions and have good communication skills. It helps to have strong links to one or several of the school’s communities, as well as an understanding of financial matters and the education sector, and experience in managing people.
Please contact any of our Board members if you want to find out about standing for election, nominating someone else or voting in the election – they will be happy to help. Our Board Chairperson, Jeremy Waters (ph: 021 607 281) and Waveney our Principal are both very happy to talk you through what we do.

Getting Started with Family Zone
We know it’s a very busy time leading up to the end of the Term, but if you somehow missed the two emails that were sent earlier this week about cyber safety, we do encourage you to have a read. The first would have arrived in your inbox on Tuesday, giving you more information about our partnership with Family Zone, with the second sent on Wednesday titled ‘Getting Started with Family Zone’.
As a school, we have implemented a school and class manager system called ‘Family Zone’ that provides our school and families with increased digital awareness, education and safety. This system has many benefits for both the school and our families. Teachers and parents have greater options to manage children’s devices and the ability to set these up for safer learning and monitor this with increased ease and visibility.
The great feature of Family Zone is that parents also have the option to set security and management boundaries in their home with any device tool that connects to the internet (including phones, laptops, ipads, xbox, netflix..) to the level that a school can in their school environment.
We have also added ‘How to Set Up Your Child’s BYOD Chromebook’ instructions on the website, that you will find under the ‘Our Learning’ tab or by clicking here.

Ag Day – Week 1 Next Term!
With the holidays just around the corner, so is our much loved annual Ag Day and Horticulture Happenings!

Ag Day Diaries:
- Children can work on their dairies over the school holidays and have up until Ag Day (October 15th) to submit their animal diary to the school office.
- Children with Vege Garden Diaries must keep them to show the judges when they visit their home gardens, then will submit their vege garden diaries to the judges when they visit. The diaries will be returned to the students following judging.
Ag Day Sausage Sizzle:
- Children can pre-order sausages for their lunch on Ag Day. Sausages will be sold for $2.00 each.
- An order form will go home on the 1st day of Term 4 and needs to be back with money by 9.00am on Wednesday 14th October, to collate in time.
Ag Day Animal Parade:
- This year we will be holding an Animal Parade at the conclusion of the lamb, calf and kid judging, and prior to everyone coming together for the prize giving at approximately 1.00pm.
- Children may bring along whatever items of fancy dress they choose for their animal (and themselves if they wish!)
- Spot prizes will be awarded for best dressed!
Note: Due to M. Bovis all calves must be 2m socially distanced from other calves at all times.
Horticultural Happenings:
The following information is for children who will be participating in the Horticultural Happenings activities. If your child has an animal for Ag Day, the following information does not apply to them, as your child will be busy training their animal.
So that you have plenty of time to prepare, please click on your Syndicate name below for important Horticulture Happenings information:
Proposed Schedule for Ag Day
We are very excited about the number of entries we have had to Ag Day this year!
Thanks to all those children who have entered!
As we approach the school holidays, we just wanted to give you all a reminder about what to expect on the day
Please see our Site Plan below for details.
8:20am – 8:50am Pet Registration at the marquee on Tanekaha 12’s Decking
Lambs: to rings along fence near TCC
Kids/Alpaca: to be confirmed
Chickens: to Cricket Nets
Caged Pets: to Caretakers new shed (entry through side door behind cricket nets)
Calves: to Ring on Soccer field behind new fence
- All calves must stand next to their allocated number on the back fence
- All calves must be 2 metre socially distanced from other calves outside their “Bubble” at all times
- All calves must have a NAIT number, to be recorded at registration
Ponies to the field beside Devine Road/Junior Playground
9:00am Judging commences for lambs, calves and chickens
Individual Ribbons awarded in Rings
9.30am Vet to judge caged pets
At conclusion of judging – Animal Parade and fancy dress lambs/kid/calves
Prizegiving – Approx 1.00pm
– Presentation of cups and major ribbons
– Raffles drawn
– Vege Garden winners announced
1:30pm (approximately) viewing of horticultural happenings
2:00pm (approximately) Animals and Hort Happenings to be taken home
Car Parking
For Ponies – entry from Devine Road, between swimming pool and tennis courts
All other animals – on reserve behind TCC, gate in far corner of reserve, past rhododendron, along from TCC will be open
What to Bring
- Ag Day will go on rain or shine! So please be prepared for all weather (umbrellas, raincoats, gumboots, sunblock, sun hat etc)
- Children with Animals may wear Mufti and Gumboots to school on Ag Day.
- Coins for sausage sizzle/coffee/bake stall/raffles
- It is recommended to bring your own fold out chair for seating – it’s a long day!
- Water and food/snacks for yourself and your animal (it is recommended that you don’t feed your pet until after judging if possible)
- Lambs – Please bring a “pig tail” electric fence standard, to tether your lamb to during the day.
Parent Help Request
Can we please put a call out for any parent helpers to help set up the day before on Wednesday 15th October, after school on the field.
Please contact Frances McKenzie on 021 206 9451 francesmcknz@gmail.com
Vege Garden Competition
We are very pleased to have the support of the Tamahere Garden Club as our judges for this competition.
The proposed day for judging the vege gardens is Saturday 10th October (the last weekend of the school holidays).
Judges expect to arrive at your property, spend approximately 15 minutes talking to each child about their vege garden, take a couple of photos of the vege garden, review the garden diary (and take this away for review).
We will then announce the winners and prizes will be awarded at the Ag Day Prizegiving, scheduled for approximately 1.00pm on Thursday 15th October..
A judging timetable will be sent out to participants by the end of this week.
Calling all Ag Day Judges!
Our Waikato Ag Day Co-ordinator is in need of some more judges, to support the local school events.
If you have some experience judging Ag Day events, or are interested in being trained as a judge for future years, please contact: Dennis Ticklepenny (Waikato Co-ordinator) janden@xtra.co.nz

Ag Day Raffles – Pre-sales available now!
We have some amazing prizes to give away from our generous sponsors!
Raffle tickets will be available to purchase on Ag Day, however we are giving you the opportunity to get in early with raffle ticket pre-sales available from the school office, so please let your family and friends know!
Raffle 1: Doggy Pamper Pack
This pack includes:
- One FREE full Groom from Snazzy Paws Dog Grooming,
- $20 gift voucher from Animates,
- One free dog wash from Petstock
- Plus a selection of other treats, poop bags and toys!
Raffle 2:
This prize includes
- One Swandri, red-checkered in Large size from Datamars Livestock
- A $100 Warehouse Gift Cards from First Credit Union
Raffle 3:
This prize includes:
- One Swandri, black lined vest in size MM, from Datamars Livestock
- A hamper of groceries from the Tamahere 4Square
Raffle tickets are just $2 each, or 3 tickets for $5. Please ask at the school office.
Ag Day Dress Up
Ag Day is on Thursday 15th October (Week 1 of Term 4) and this will be a ‘dress up as a farmer day’, so start thinking about your dress up ideas over the holidays.

Hellers Sausages for Schools – Supporting Ag Day!
We are excited to be able to share that Hellers have agreed to support this year’s Ag Day by providing the school with 480 yummy sausages, through their Sausages for Schools programme. They came to the party after our usual sausage provider/sponsor was unable to commit to providing sausages this year. THANKS HELLERS!

Hockey Tournament Results
On Wednesday the 16th of September 2020 two hockey teams from Tamahere Model Country School travelled to Gallagher hockey centre to play in the rural school’s tournament. On the first game of the tournament, the Tamahere Gold team won 11-0 to one of the Pirongia teams. The Tamahere Blacksticks played the other Pirongia team which they lost 3-2. In all of our pool games, the Tamahere Gold team won which sent them to the semi-finals. The Tamahere Blacksticks lost one game but they were still second in their pool which sent them through to the semi-finals as well. Both of our Tamahere school teams made it through to the semi-finals when we played against each other. The Tamahere gold team won in a close-fought battle 4 to 3 sending them through to the finals against Pirongia.
In the final, the Tamahere team were leading in a hard-fought first half 2 to 1. When the second half came the Tamahere team were feeling the pressure as they hit the post of the goal and all of their hits were going next to the goal. Coming back to make a draw Pirongia made a goal to come back into the game. The time was ticking quick and no goals were being scored that was when they realised that they would have to do shootouts. The shootouts work so that they hit from halfway into a tiny goal. Our team went first and we missed. Pirongia went next and they just missed to the left of the goal. Tamahere went again, another miss that was when the pressure was really on. Pirongia hit a great shot into the middle of the goal to win the tournament. Tamahere Gold came second and Tamahere Black Sticks came third.
I would like to thank everyone for organising this tournament for us. It was a great pleasure to have the day off school to play at a hockey tournament. Thank you to lots of the parents for coming and supporting us with all of our games. Thank you to the coaches and managers for taking us there and giving us an awesome day. Especially to Marc tB, Michael T, Debi G, and Rose R. Thank you to Hamish D for being our medical support on the day. Thank you to the Waikato Hockey Organisation for setting up this tournament. It was a great day.
Flynn t B
A huge thank you to the supporters that helped out on the day and special thanks to Mrs Copponi for her superb organisation.
Congratulations to both teams, who competed at this high level of competition and achieved fantastic results!

Term 4 Library News
We have exciting library news coming up next Term, with our Library Book Week happening in Week 3 and the Book Fair in Week 4. Our ‘Dress up as a Book Character Day’ will be on Wednesday 28th October during Week 3.
The Library Book Swap

What is it?
A free second-hand book swap for library book week. If you have read it, and it is in good condition you can swap it. No library books.
When is it?
The Book swap is to be held in the Library during morning tea on Tuesday 27th October and lunchtime on Wednesday 28th October, during Library Book week.
Why take part?
Students can swap books which they have read and no longer want for new ones, and recycle their books.
How can I take part?
Students can bring in the maximum of 5 (picture, fiction or non-fiction) books for the Book Swap. Please bring these to the library on Monday and Wednesday lunchtimes during the first 2 weeks of Term 4 only. Children will be given a token sheet for their donated books and these tokens can be exchanged for books on Book Swap Days.
Please see Mrs Kewish in the library for more information.
Golf Day 2020
Come along and support the 2020 Golf Day. COVID 19 has made fundraising for 2020 challenging! This event is currently the only planned fundraiser. Let’s make it count.
Can you help us with:
- Sponsors for the day
- Prizes for the players
- Raffles to sell- these will be sent home soon
If you are keen to showcase your business, contact us to become a sponsor. Sponsorship ranges from $250-$500/hole. Contact Howard Baker to enter a team or offer your support.

On Saturday the 21st of November our Jump Jam teams will be competing in the Jump Jam Nationals competitions held in Tauranga. We are busy fundraising for this event and would really appreciate your support with our upcoming annual ‘Cake Walk’. This will involve the Jump Jam students designing and creating their own amazing cakes.
These cakes will be put on display on Thursday 12th November (Week Five, Term Four) in the T.C.C foyer. Everyone within the school will have the opportunity to view the cake creations during the morning of this day. If they have purchased tickets they can place them in the draw to win the cake or cakes that they like the best. If they are lucky enough they will be bringing home a cake to share with you and your family! 50 cent tickets are on sale from the start of Term Four until the day of the Cake Walk. The Jump Jam students will be selling the tickets outside Pukatea 14 between 8.00am and 8.30am every morning. Feel free to come and have a look at the cake creations on the day of the Cake Walk.
Thank you for your consideration and support…. And if you are keen to contribute a cake to our Cake Walk, please contact Carla Ballantyne in person or via email cballantyne@tamahere.school.nz for more information.

We are on the hunt for donations of boat fixtures that would be suitable for our boat playground project. We are looking for items such as a boat steering wheel, railings etc to make our new playground look AMAZING!!!

Tayla G’s winning design
Tayla G’s winning design
If you can help us out, to bring Tayla G’s awesome design to life, please take a photo of what you have to donate and send this to reception@tamahere.school.nz. We will then get in contact.
Thank you for your help!

Ballot for 2021 Reminder
For all out-of-zone families expecting to enrol a child at Tamahere Model Country School in 2021, our annual ballot for Out-of-Zone placements is open until 3:00 pm on Tuesday 13th October 2020. Please note if you are out-of-zone, even if your child is a sibling of a current student, you have to be in the ballot to have a chance of your child being enrolled at our school in 2021. As with the last few years, except for siblings and possible priority enrolments, no out-of-zone children will be allocated a ballot place in 2021. This is to help alleviate the overcrowding challenges we are currently facing.

School Banking Is Back!

We are excited to let you know that First Credit Union will be starting up their school banking programme again in Term 4, every Wednesday, starting from Week 1! They are really proud to be able to offer school banking again and thank you for your patience over this time.

Preparing for Middle School with Inspire Mindfulness
Is your child starting middle school soon? This programme has been designed to support children with making their transition from primary to middle school a smooth one!
After this 8 week programme, your child will have a toolkit to help them feel empowered, calm and ready to start the next great adventure in their life! We look at building resilience, dealing with those niggling worries and focusing on how being in the present moment helps to calm our amazing brain!
Your child will not only learn about mindfulness and resilience, they will also learn about the science behind why we practice mindfulness. This helps to support your child with the importance of why they need to take care of their wellbeing. After all, when we know why, we are more likely to do.
Mindful movement, mindful eating and body scan practices are just a few elements of the programme. Your child will be taught how to notice their feelings without judgement. They will learn how to deal with “big feelings” as they occur. They will learn how to live in the present moment. Alongside this, your child will have the opportunity to build friendships with children the same age. We also have lots of fun and celebration of learning along the way!
What is included in the 8 week programme?
- A weekly 45 minute session for your child to attend at Tamahere Country Model School – starting Wednesday 14th October 1:15-2:00pm. Classes run on each Wednesday until 2nd December.
- A mindfulness booklet with transition focused mindfulness activities. This also has details of what your child has learned in class.
Who is the programme for?
This programme is for all children who are in their last year of primary school. We think mindfulness is awesome for all children (there is plenty of science to show how great mindfulness is!). Just like we are taught about our physical health, knowledge of our mental health is for everyone too! There is no religious element to this course; our focus is on living in the moment and the science of the benefits of mindfulness. If your child has specific needs you wish to discuss with me prior to booking, please contact me on 0210 853 4566.
Please click on the link to purchase a ticket and to find out more information.

Tennis Lessons with Pete Hoyland in Term 4

Spanish Club – Term 4

Dear Parents,
Fun Languages offers an opportunity for children aged 2-12 years old to learn Spanish. Our team are all fluent or native Spanish speakers and passionate about taking children on a journey of discovery through the language and culture of Spanish speaking countries. The focus is on fun games, activities, songs and crafts that will enable them to use their new language for real purpose.
When: Fridays 2:30pm-3:30pm
Where: Tamahere Community Centre – downstairs
9 week term: 16/10/2020-11/12/2020
Cost: $15 per session. 9 week term = $135

Please register your interest at amber@lcfclubs.co.nz or call 022 199 3958
South East Hamilton Country School Group Day 2020
This year Newstead Model Country School is hosting the South East Hamilton Country Group Day.
Entry to this event is open to all school age children who have a calf, lamb or kid.
This year your entry will be submitted through an electronic form.
Entries close on SUNDAY 19th OCTOBER 7.00pm. No late entries will be accepted this year.
To access the entry form please click here
On the day, registrations will be accepted from 9.00am. Please ensure your registration is completed by 9:30am, to allow judging to commence from 10.00am.
We will endeavour to accommodate all vehicles and trailers for animals. Parking will be marked.
Important information regarding Calves
Please note that with Calves being eligible to return to Waikato Ag day events this year, there are some stipulations that will need to be followed for your child to show their calf at Ag Day this year:
As M-Bovis is still present in NZ there will be a number of items to be addressed by each student/calf.
1) All calves MUST have a NAIT tag in RIGHT ear
2) All calves to have an “Animal Status Declaration Form” when entering school grounds. The NAIT no. must be the number allotted to the property that the calf leaves from on show day
3) Calf/Student and supporters to pass through a Biosecurity pathway when entering calf show area.
There is no postponement day. Group day will take place in rain or shine.
Waikato A & P Show (Boys & Girls Agricultural Club) – Change of Date!
The date of the Ag Club Showing Competition has changed – please mark your calendar for Thursday 29th October 2020. Due to Covid-19, ALL entrants will need to register to enter the competition for contact tracing. ENTER HERE!
Calves (both Beef and Dairy) will be returning to the A & P show. All calves must be tagged with a NAIT approved RFID ear tag and registered with NAIT. If you have purchased/loaned a calf from a farmer or saleyards, it is your responsibility to ensure it is registered with NAIT and that it has a NAIT tag before calf club day.