Ann-Marie Donovan
It is with incredible sadness that we share with you the tragic news of the passing of Ann-Marie Donovan, a kind and wonderful mother of our school. Ann-Marie was tragically taken following a fall from her bicycle over the weekend. Our thoughts, prayers and love go out to her beautiful girls, Mia and Chloe and her husband Troy. A service will be held at 10.00am this Friday at St Stephens Tamahere Church and surrounds. We will share further information via email as details are finalised. I am sure our caring Tamahere Community will come together in many ways to support this grieving family.
Whanau Hui & Kapa Haka Ropu Performance – Thursday 12th November
Whanau o Tamahere Hui – Everyone Welcome – Thursday 12th November 1:30pm
Kia ora koutou. We warmly invite all whanau members and extended friends to join us as part of our Bicultural Treaty Partnership to discuss and share ideas about how we cater for and support our Maori tamariki with their learning and succeeding as Maori. Our Pasifika whanau and all others are very welcome. We are keen to have as many whanau along as possible, so we can share views and collaborate on ways to best meet the needs of our tamariki. Our last meeting saw a large number of our whanau attend, which was great, and we had some excellent discussions, which we want to build on this time.
Our hui will be held on Thursday 12th November following a performance by our Kapa Haka Ropu at 1:30pm in the TCC. This is an opportunity for our Ropu to show off their talents following a year without Kapa Haka Competitions. After 2:45 pm all tamariki may attend After School Care for free if the hui is still in process. Pre-schoolers are also welcome to join their parents at the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Tamahere wins Champion School Trophy at Group Day
Our children had a fabulous day at this year’s Group Day held at Newstead School last Wednesday.
The weather was perfect and the children and their pets had lots of fun and performed very well, coming away the winners of the Champion School Trophy. Congratulations everyone!
Lit Quiz Competition
We would like to acknowledge the two small groups of specially selected Year 6 students, who competed alongside Hamilton primary and Intermediate teams at the annual Lit Quiz competition held at Berkley MIddle School this year.
Tamahere 1: Taira L, Jordan C, Daniel W, Jakob H
Tamahere 2: Maja B-S, Mia D, Ben W, Ollie S
The event, originally scheduled for May, had been postponed 3 times.The students displayed incredible resilience and never lost enthusiasm throughout the changes. It was a great afternoon where our students’ wide knowledge of Literature was challenged in an atmosphere of intense, nail biting competition. The final scores were very tight. Hukanui took out the day with a score of 76 points, and our Tamahere 2 team, so close, achieved 72 points finishing third place. Tamahere 1 achieved 4th with 70 points. The overall winner for the Year 7 /8 was Southwell Primary.

Book Character Day
What an amazing day. Thank you so much to parents who really went the extra mile to help their children create such incredible costumes. Everyone’s creativity and support shone through and really helps us to bring books to life. Please enjoy some photos from today.
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is being held in the school library next week on Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th of November, between 2.30pm-5.30pm. Cash, cheques, credit and debit card payments will be accepted and an eftpos machine will be available.
Come along and buy books for Christmas. All purchases contribute towards free books for our school Library.
Maungatautari Production
We are excited to be presenting our syndicate production, ‘The Amazing Adventures of Super Stan’ to the community next week. The times and dates are as follows:
Wednesday 4th November:
Matinee show 12.00pm
Evening show 6.30pm
Thursday 5th November:
Evening show 6.30pm
Tickets can still be purchased from the school office and are limited to 240 seats per show. The prices are $10 per adult, $6 per child or a family pass for two adults and two children can be purchased for $30.
Board of Trustee Nominations – CLOSING THIS SUNDAY!!!!!
We wish to remind you that all Nomination Forms for our Board of Trustees Mid Term Election must be received no later than 12 noon this Sunday 1st November 2020.
We are seeking enthusiastic nominees who are willing and able to commit the necessary voluntary hours to fulfil a role on our Board working for the good of many.
Are you interested? If you would like to know more or would like to start to get involved please phone Jeremy Waters on 021 607 281 or call Waveney at the office on 856 9238.
Please remember to complete the nomination form that was previously emailed to our school community or visit our office for a replacement copy. Please provide a brief candidate statement of no more than 400 words.
Please send your nomination and supporting documentation to the school’s Returning Officer before 12 noon on 1st November. For more information please contact the Returning Officer (Emma Page) on 856 9238 or email

Hamilton Aquatics Swimming Lessons

Golf Day 2020
Come along and support the 2020 Golf Day. COVID 19 has made fundraising for 2020 challenging! This event is currently our only planned fundraiser, so let’s make it count.
Can you help us with:
- Sponsors for the day
- Prizes for the players. Please contact Lee Boyd if you have any prizes to offer. E.g vouchers, drink bottles, sports gear, food & drink items
- Raffles to sell- these will be sent home soon
If you are keen to showcase your business, contact us to become a sponsor. Sponsorship ranges from $250-$500/hole. Contact Howard Baker to enter a team or offer your support.
On Saturday the 21st of November our Jump Jam teams will be competing in the Jump Jam Nationals competitions held in Tauranga. We are busy fundraising for this event and would really appreciate your support with our upcoming annual ‘Cake Walk’. This will involve the Jump Jam students designing and creating their own amazing cakes.
These cakes will be put on display on Thursday 12th November (Week Five, Term Four) in the T.C.C foyer. Everyone within the school will have the opportunity to view the cake creations during the morning of this day. If they have purchased tickets they can place them in the draw to win the cake or cakes that they like the best. If they are lucky enough they will be bringing home a cake to share with you and your family! 50 cent tickets are on sale until the day of the Cake Walk. The Jump Jam students will be selling the tickets outside Pukatea 14 between 8.00am and 8.30am every morning. Feel free to come and have a look at the cake creations on the day of the Cake Walk.
Thank you for your consideration and support…. And if you are keen to contribute a cake to our Cake Walk, please contact Carla Ballantyne in person or via email for more information.

Weetbix Tryathlon 2021
This coming year, the WEETBIX TRYATHLON is happening in Hamilton on Sunday February 21st. We have a school team all set up and ready for you to enter. Join the team! Each year we have a large group of students who participate in this event and everyone LOVES IT! Nearer to the time I will send out further information to help you on the day. Click on this link to register:
Lee Boyd
Deputy Principal

Your Lunch Box
In case you missed last week’s newsletter, this is the last week of ‘Your Lunch Box’ until Term 1 2021. We will be sharing the return date once this is known.