Board of Trustees Declaration of Parent Election Results
At the close of nominations, as the number of valid nominations was equal to the number of vacancies required to be filled, I hereby declare the following duly elected:
Liz Donovan
David Palmer
Jim Mercer
Emma Page ( Returning Officer )

The Changing of the Guard!
Over the weekend we had the last call for nominations for our Board of Trustees. We are very pleased to say that we had 3 nominations for the three available spaces. Sincere thanks go to our outgoing Board members Angie Millar, Ingrid van den Bosch & Vanessa Parker, who have served on our Board of Trustees for the last three years and have supported us in the personnel, finance, and sponsorship areas respectively, as well as helping to lead our school forward in many ways as Trustees helping with Governance decisions. We truly recognise and appreciate the energy, enthusiasm and commitment you have shown to our school and community over the last few years. Thank you for your dedication.
Welcome aboard, to Liz Donovan, Jim Mercer and David Palmer, who are our three new Board members. We will put Bio’s of these three candidates in next week’s newsletter.

Staff Changes for 2021
As we head towards the end of the year, staff changes in schools start to happen around the country in preparation for settled classrooms in the following school year. We have a number of changes to announce in readiness for this.
Sad Farewells:-
Mrs Carla Ballantyne:– We are very sad to be farewelling Mrs Carla Ballantyne from our Maungatautari Senior Syndicate. Carla has been a wonderful teacher at our school for the past five years. During this time she has directed productions and championed Senior Jump Jam teams to National competitions and achievements. Carla has won a position at Cambridge Middle School for 2021 onwards. We wish Carla the very best with her new challenges and opportunities with this change of age level and school.
Miss Hollie Cooke:- With 89, Year 6 students leaving us we will have one less senior class next year, although we have many more five year old’s joining us. We are sad to farewell Miss Hollie Cooke who joined us this year for her first year in her teaching career. We are very pleased, however, that Miss Cooke will be moving forward with many of our students to teach at Berkley Normal Middle School for 2021. Congratulations.
Miss Deena Parr:- Another lovely staff member leaving us is Miss Deena Parr who is heading south to be closer to friends and family. Deena has been teaching Year 2’s in our Junior school and has won a position with another Year 2 class at Winchester School in Palmerston North for the 2021 school year. We wish her well as she completes her second year teacher certification process.
Warm Welcomes:-
Shelley Howse:- We are very pleased to announce that Mrs Shelley Howse will be joining us in the Taupiri Team for 2021. Shelley will be a Co-Syndicate Leader with Mrs Lisa Murray, as this team just grows and grows. These ladies will hopefully be situated in our new classrooms for the 2021 school year. Shelley is a long time Tamahere resident and has been an active member of the Tamahere Community Committee. She is presently a Junior Hub Leader at Hamilton East School.
Bridget Hawthorn:- We are also very pleased to be welcoming back to our fold, on a full time basis, Mrs Bridget Hawthorn. Bridget is a talented teacher who has taught on and off at our school since 2007. Bridget has led Sport in our school for many years and has directed productions and Stage Challenge along with her passion and talent in achieving success with our Jump Jam teams, at a national level. More recently, while looking after her young children, Bridget has supported us across all levels in the school with classroom release time and relieving. Welcome back Bridget! Bridget will be taking a Senior class in Maungatautari next year.
Country Cluster Tee Ball Competition
It was a cool overcast day. Rain threatened on the not so distant horizon. Perfect conditions for some of Tamahere’s finest to flex their tee ball muscles. And flex they did. Last Friday,120 students in the Maungatautari senior syndicate travelled to Tauwhare school to compete in the annual interschools country cluster tee ball competition.
After a wonderful day of games, the hooter sounded to signal the end of the final game. Simultaneously, the heavens opened and we charged to the hall for prize giving. Our Tamahere teams excelled with the Tamahere Torpedos bagging 3rd place and the Tamahere Typhoons claiming 2nd.
What stood out from our seniors more than great gameplay was how they conducted themselves on and off the field. Excellent sportsmanship, manners and respect for others was displayed throughout. And to top it off, not a single item of lost property at the end of the day belonged to a Tamahere student.
Thank you to all the parents who gave up their time to come and support us, you are greatly appreciated. Well done to all the students who came along and played – it was heartening to see so many students having a wonderful time playing with old and new friends.
Mr. Tim Ross

Waikato Primary Schools Tennis Championships
On Thursday the 29th of October, four Tamahere students competed in the Waikato Primary and Intermediate Schools Tennis Championships. The tournament really put our skills to the test. You will hear all about how Paxton M, Jordan C, Kobe J and Mila W did in this report.
Tamahere School did really well at this tournament! Paxton won all his matches 4-0 and came first in the Year 6 Boys and Under. Jordan won three games and came third. Kobe won one match, tied two games and lost the last match and overall came seventh. Mila won 3 games and lost one. Mila came second in her division. Tamahere did quite well in the tournament, and a special congratulations to Paxton. We are proud of all of you for taking up the challenge.
Finally, I would like to thank the parents for supporting us for the day and making it possible. Without them we could not have had as much fun as we did. So, again, thank you.
Mila W, Year 5, Mahoe 17
Congratulations to Paxton M & Mila W who have been selected to move onto the Regional Finals on Thursday 19th November at the Waikato Tennis Centre, which will involve students from Thames Valley, Bay of Plenty, Western Bay of Plenty, Poverty Bay East Coast and Waikato.
Year 3 & 4 Camp have fun
We are extremely excited to be heading to Finlay Park with our Year 4 students this Sunday. Thank you to everyone who has made this experience possible – we were determined that Covid would not stop us! A final information letter has been sent home today. See you at 2.00pm on Sunday.
While our Year 4 students are off on their overnight camp, our Year 3 students will be going on a ‘Safari Adventure’ to the Hamilton Zoo, on Monday.
And next Tuesday both the Year 3 and 4 students will be pitching tents on our school field for their ‘Day Camp’ and utilising our Vela School Pool, so swimming gear including cap is required.
We look forward to sharing photos of their Week 5 adventures in next week’s newsletter.

Next PTA Meeting – Tuesday 10th November
The PTA warmly welcomes you to join their next meeting:
When: Tuesday 10th November
Where: Tamahere School Library
Time: 7.00pm
Everyone is welcome!
Tamahere Model Country School

Fun Wheels Day
Next Wednesday 11th November, we are having a Fun Wheels Day within each syndicate. Bring along your scooter, skateboard, rollerblades or roller skates. You must also bring a helmet, covered shoes and any other safety gear you have such as wrist guards or knee pads.
Walk your wheels to your classroom when you come to school on Wednesday. Please do not ride them through the school. Your teacher will let you know where to put them to keep them safe until it is time to ride.
Be safe and have fun!

Whanau Hui & Kapa Haka Ropu Performance – Thursday 12th November
Whanau o Tamahere Hui – Everyone Welcome – Thursday 12th November 1:30pm
Kia ora koutou. We warmly invite all whanau members and extended friends to join us as part of our Bicultural Treaty Partnership to discuss and share ideas about how we cater for and support our Maori tamariki with their learning and succeeding as Maori. Our Pasifika whanau and all others are very welcome. We are keen to have as many whanau along as possible, so we can share views and collaborate on ways to best meet the needs of our tamariki. Our last meeting saw a large number of our whanau attend, which was great, and we had some excellent discussions, which we want to build on this time.
Our hui will be held on Thursday 12th November following a performance by our Kapa Haka Ropu at 1:30pm in the TCC. This is an opportunity for our Ropu to show off their talents following a year without Kapa Haka Competitions. After 2:45 pm all tamariki may attend After School Care for free if the hui is still in process. Pre-schoolers are also welcome to join their parents at the meeting.
Please RSVP to 07 856 9238 or
We look forward to seeing you all there.

‘Jump Jam Cake Walk’ Fundraiser
We are busy fundraising for the Jump Jam Nationals event and would really appreciate your support with our upcoming annual ‘Cake Walk’.
The cakes will be put on display on Thursday 12th November, during Week 5 in the T.C.C foyer. Everyone within the school will have the opportunity to view the cake creations during the morning of this day. If they have purchased tickets they can place them in the draw to win the cake or cakes that they like the best. If they are lucky enough they will be bringing home a cake to share with you and your family! 50 cent tickets are on sale until the day of the Cake Walk.
The Jump Jam students are selling tickets outside Pukatea 14 between 8.00am and 8.30am every morning.
Feel free to come and have a look at the cake creations on the day of the Cake Walk.
Thank you for your consideration and support…. And if you are keen to contribute a cake to our Cake Walk, please contact Carla Ballantyne in person or via email for more information.

Upcoming Teacher Only Day – Monday 16th November
Just a reminder of our upcoming Teacher Only day happening in Week 6, on Monday 16th November. The school is completely closed on this day and teachers will not be on site. After School Care will not be operating.This is a special Ministry of Education day achieved by the Union in recent negotiations. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause you, as you rearrange your family for one day. We added it to a weekend to make it slightly easier for you.

Puberty Evening Reminder
On Wednesday 18th November at 6.00pm we will be holding our annual ‘Girls Night Out Puberty Evening’ for Year 6 Girls, and Year 5 Girls where parents feel it is appropriate. The girls are expected to bring their Mum or a trusted female caregiver with them on this evening. The night is run by our Life Education Teacher – Nicky Wise, who the children know well, with the support of Maungatautari teachers and Waveney Parker.
The purpose of the evening is to provide a safe and friendly environment to discuss and share age-appropriate information about pubertal changes that are in line with the Health and Physical Education Curriculum. We would like to make it very clear that the focus of this evening is to provide the children with knowledge, understanding and skills to develop positive attitudes toward the changes they will experience during puberty. This is purely a pubertal change discussion.
After the talk there will be an opportunity for parents and the girls to ask Nicky questions and socialise over a light supper. A notice with further information and a return slip will be sent home closer to the time but for now please put this date in your calendar if you would like to attend.
Paula Dunton

2021 Term Dates
To assist you with planning for next year, please see the table below for our 2021 Term dates.

Maungatautari & Pirongia Syndicate Athletics Day
All children who turned nine years of age, before the 12th October 2020, will participate and compete in the Maungatautari Syndicate Athletics Day in Week 6, on Tuesday 17th November, starting at 9.00am.
For all remaining Pirongia Syndicate children, your Athletics Day will be held on Wednesday 18th November starting at 10.30am.
The students have been working hard trying to develop their athletic skills and techniques and are looking forward to competing in their age groups.
Please ensure your child is prepared for the day by wearing appropriate sports shorts, school hat, sunblock and their Whanau Shirt. Remember to pack plenty of food and drink.
We look forward to seeing you there. More information will be shared next week.

Vela School Pool News
This year the Vela School pool will be open for the 5 weekends from Saturday 14th November through to Sunday 13th December 2020. Please note that any unused passes from last season can be redeemed during these weekends. New passes can also be purchased from the pool office or school office. Please see below information for further details.
Tamahere Model Country School
Vela Pool Community Usage and Rules
Community Use Swimming
The time has come to prepare for our up and coming swimming season. The pool is about to be opened to the public next weekend as indicated in the table below. Access and passes will run a little different this year with a more streamlined and simplified process. We will only be selling community use concession passes this year which are outlined in the table below. Our swimming hours have slightly changed too. These changes have arisen from statistical data gathered over the last two seasons where we are now able to fine-tune some of our operations to better serve the needs of the community and school. A bulk swim card or individual swims can be purchased through the school office (during school open hours) and the pool office open times. We look forward to a lovely summer ahead with lots of happy safe swimming.
Cost for Passes are as follows:

In the event that a community use swimmer, causes any damage to the pool or the pool complex they will be liable for the damage. All adult community use swimmers are responsible for the safety and well being of themselves and children under their care. No unauthorised persons are allowed to use this pool complex.
Non-swimmers are able to enter the facility free but are still required to sign in.
Vela Pool Rules
(All users must comply with the rules of our pool shown on signage and in our documentation).
- Our supervisors are here to manage the facility not to act as a lifeguard. Adults 18 years and over are responsible for youths 17 years and under in their care. Responsible adults – ‘You are the lifeguard’!
- All 0 – 3 year olds must be accompanied in the water by an adult at all times.
- All 4 – 7 year olds must be actively supervised with an adult within 1m distance at all times.
- All 8 – 17 year olds must be actively supervised at all times.
- Be sunsmart.
- Swim caps to be worn in the pool at all times, adults not putting their head under can wear a sunhat with long hair tied up.
- Any stomach bugs or diarrhea please keep away from the pool for 24 hours.
- Avoid holding your breath and swimming long distances underwater.
- Check the depth of water and any hazards before getting into the pool.
- No running, jumping, rough play or bombing into any pool.
- No diving in water below 1.5-1.6m mark. Check the area is clear before diving in this zone.
- No glass in the pool complex, and no food and drink inside the blue safety line or changing rooms.
- Nobody is to swim or enter the pool complex while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- No swimming in thunder and lightning weather conditions. The pool is closed during these circumstances.
- No pets are allowed through the pool gate or into the pool.
- No bicycles, skateboards, scooters, skates etc to be ridden in the pool area.
- Take additional care if you have a medical condition such as epilepsy, asthma, diabetes or a heart condition.
- Only authorised members are allowed to use the pool.
- No Alcohol or Smoking on school grounds and in pool complex.
- The first aid kit and flotation Life Saver is available in the pool area.
Note: Our swimming pool staff are there to manage a safe and welcoming facility. As community use members it is important to follow the lead and guidance offered by the staff.
A full copy of the policy and detailed procedures is available for access on our website or you can click here.
Squad Swimming – Does our community want this? PLEASE ANSWER OUR QUICK SURVEY!
We would like to gather feedback from any school families that may be interested in squad swimming with Hamilton Aquatics, to be held at the Tamahere Vela School Pool. We are wanting to establish what the level of interest is for squad swimming. If you are interested, please click here to complete our survey. Thank you for your assistance.

Calendar, Card and Diary Orders
Production is underway for the orders that have already been placed.
The website is still open for late or second orders for anyone that has missed the first closing date and this will close on Wednesday 18th November, so get in quick if you have forgotten to order.
Turn your children’s artwork into an amazing calendar or diary for 2021.

Waikato A & P Show News
We had 2 students represent the school in the Lamb Events at the Waikato A&P show, held last Thursday.
Emily McK won 1st in her class for “most obvious pet”, 3rd in her class for “leading” and 3rd in her class for “rearing”. Kara I participated in an older class, winning 1st place for “calling” and 3rd “leading”.
Golf Day 2020
Get in quick to organise your team. We have only two spaces left for the 18 hole teams and three left for the nine hole teams.
Raffles will be going home on November 20th.
Can you help us with:
- Sponsors for the day
- Prizes for the players. Please contact Lee Boyd if you have any prizes to offer. E.g vouchers, drink bottles, sports gear, food & drink items
- Raffles to sell
If you are keen to showcase your business, contact us to become a sponsor. Sponsorship ranges from $250-$500/hole. Contact Howard Baker to enter a team or offer your support.
Weetbix Tryathlon 2021
This coming year, the WEETBIX TRYATHLON is happening in Hamilton on Sunday February 21st. We have a school team all set up and ready for you to enter. Join the team! Each year we have a large group of students who participate in this event and everyone LOVES IT! Nearer to the time I will send out further information to help you on the day. Click on this link to register:
Lee Boyd
Deputy Principal