COVID-19 – Keeping Our School Community Safe

You will have seen the Prime Minister has announced that the first case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in New Zealand. This case was identified because the person and the family affected did the right thing and got in touch with health authorities. New Zealand has been free of the virus to date, but we knew that would not last.

Our Board is reviewing our Pandemic Policy at this evening’s meeting and we will share this with you in next week’s newsletter. 

What is still important is that we are all careful and observe basic health safety. As a school we will be focusing on practising good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene until the end of the Term, through: 

o   washing your hands often with soap and water before and after eating, as well as after using the toilet.

o   covering coughs and sneezes with clean tissues or your elbow.

o   putting used tissues in the bin.

We require anyone who is unwell to stay home, to help keep the rest of our community healthy. Children showing flu-like symptoms should be kept at home, in accordance with our School policies. 

If you are concerned that someone is showing symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath, your first step is to ring Healthline (0800 358 5453) or contact your GP by phoning ahead of their visit, to explain symptoms and travel history.  Healthline’s dedicated COVID-19 number, 0800 358 5453, is free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Please keep our school office informed if you are travelling overseas. 

Please take care of yourself, your whanau and your community through these measures.

It is important that we all continue to be alert but not alarmed. 

Keeping individuals, families and our communities safe and healthy in the current global environment requires a team effort. Thank you for your support.

Teacher Only Day Learnings

On Monday, our full staff thoroughly enjoyed a day of professional learning with literacy guru Paula Jamieson. Paula empowered us to use picture books in a way that engages children in a play, make, create cycle. This learning fully supports the implementation of the new strands of the Technology Curriculum and compliments our already high-quality literacy programmes. 

Paula cemented for us the understanding of just how valuable picture books are all at levels of the school and reminded us that providing a guided challenge for children to be creative is vital. What happens when play-based learning, hands-on making and mobile technology are infused while having rich literacy at its core? You have engaged and motivated learners who thrive! 

Thank you for supporting our Teacher Only Day; professional learning opportunities like this are extremely valuable for our staff.

Maungatautari & Pirongia Swimming Sports

We had such a wonderful morning watching the 7 and 8 year old swimming heats. Thank you to all our awesome parents, caregivers and whanau who joined us this morning!  

The 9 & 10 year old heats are happening tomorrow, Wednesday the 4th of March, starting at 9:00 am. 

Finals Day for our 7, 8, 9 and 10 year old children will be held this Friday, the 6th of March, with events commencing from 9:00 am, in the following order:

1.  7 year old girls 25m freestyle

2.  7 year old boys 25m freestyle

3.  8 year old girls 25m freestyle

4.  8 year old boys 25m freestyle

5.  9 year old girls 25m freestyle

6.  9 year old boys 25m freestyle

7.  10+ year old girls 25m freestyle

8.  10+ year old boys 25m freestyle


9.  7 year old girls 25m backstroke

10.  7 year old boys 25m backstroke

11.  8 year old girls 25m backstroke

12.  8 year old boys 25m backstroke

13.  9 year old girls 25m backstroke

14.  9 year old boys 25m backstroke

15.  10+ year old girls 25m backstroke

16.  10+ year old boys 25m backstroke


17.  7 year old girls 25m breaststroke

18.  7 year old boys 25m breaststroke

19.  8 year old girls 25m breaststroke

20.  8 year old boys 25m breaststroke

21.  9 year old girls 25m breaststroke

22.  9 year old boys 25m breaststroke

23.  10+ year old girls 25m breaststroke

24.  10+ year old boys 25m breaststroke


25.  7 year old girls 3x25m Medley (timed final)

26.  7 year old boys 3x25m Medley (timed final)

27.  8 year old girls 3x25m Medley (timed final)

28.  8 year old boys 3x25m Medley (timed final)

29.  9 year old girls 3x25m Medley (timed final)

30.  9 year old boys 3x25m Medley (timed final)

31.  10+ year old girls 3x25m Medley (timed final)

32.  10+ year old boys 3x25m Medley (timed final)

There will be no Medley Finals, as all medley heats will be treated as timed finals. The last events of the day will be our Whanau and Class Relays.


For those children taking part tomorrow, and those who go on to take part in Friday’s finals, please remember to apply sunblock before children come to school. Children will need to be organised with their togs, towel, water bottle and food and please ensure that children come to school dressed in their whanau shirts. 

Country Cluster Junior Tabloids – This Thursday

This Thursday our Taupiri Syndicate is hosting the Country Cluster Junior Tabloids, with 320 junior children participating in a fun morning of tabloid activities.  We are hosting four schools: Matangi School, The Seventh Day Adventist School, Newstead School and Tauwhare School. The tabloids will start at 9:30 am and will be completed by 12:20 pm.  We welcome all whanau to come along to enjoy the day and support their child.

Maungatautari Camp

We have 170 Year 5 & 6 students heading off on their 4 day camp next week into the Mamaku Ranges at Tui Ridge Park. Have a wonderful time everyone! 

Thanks, in advance to the team of parent helpers for ensuring this event can happen and helping to keep everyone safe. We are so lucky at our school that so many parents volunteer. We apologise to all the great camp parents who we have not been able to take along this year due to the high number of volunteers.

Taupiri Swimming Celebration

To celebrate our current learning and the growing abilities of all Taupiri students, we will be hosting the Taupiri Swimming Celebration on Thursday the 19th of March

All children will be involved in a variety of swimming races showcasing the skills they are proud of. Year Two’s will showcase their talents starting at 8.45am followed by Year One’s from 9.45am. More information will be shared by classroom teachers prior to the event.

The 2020 Tamahere School Library 50 book challenge

The library is once again running the 50 Book Challenge. Forms available from the library. The challenge involves reading 50 books in 2020, from now until 1st December. By entering you automatically go into the big prize draw, with a prize pack available for each syndicate. 

The library has a couple of books that might interest parents, that they can issue. Please see Mrs Kewish for information.

Year 4 Camp

We will be heading away with all the Year 4 students to Finlay Park from 20th-22nd May and are very much looking forward to this experience. This is just a gentle reminder that if you are thinking about putting your name forward as a parent helper for this event, you MUST have completed a Police Vetting form which is available from the school office. Please note that completing a form does not automatically mean that you will be selected to accompany us on camp. Thanks!

Next PTA Meeting

Just a reminder that our next PTA Meeting is on Tuesday 10th March starting at 7:00pm, in the library. Everyone is welcome!

Leah Shallcrass


Pumpkin Night

Thank you to the parents who have already returned their offers of assistance.  There are many ways that you can help either in the lead up to the event or on the day. As always, many hands make light work!.If you haven’t had a chance to return your slip yet, please do so, as soon as you can. Thank you for your support.

Waikato Interschools Show Jumping Championships

Dear Parents,

If you are interested in your child participating in the Waikato Interschools Show Jumping Championships to be held at Leamington Pony Club on Wednesday 25th of March, please get in touch with Alex McMillan at or 021 02332565


Tamahere Model Country School will be entering a team this year. This is a really fun day of show jumping competition with two heights on offer for primary school participants: 50-60cm and 60-70cm classes.

Please get in touch with Alex for further information.

North-Bound On-Ramp Road Works

Fulton Hogan Waikato have started their 2019/20 pavement resurfacing programme and will soon be in

The Tamahere area, carrying out work on behalf of the NZ Transport Agency.

Fulton Hogan is completing resurfacing work on the north-bound offramp, scheduled to take place tomorrow, Wednesday 4th March.

Further work that involves applying a new asphalt surface to the northbound lane of the Cambridge Expressway(as identified by the blue line on the drawing below), will commence from this Sunday 8th March. Fulton Hogan plans to carry out the work at night, between the hours of 7.00pm and 6.00am. Detours will be in place.