Level 1 – How wonderful!
We are so lucky to be living in Aotearoa New Zealand. Such a short lockdown compared to other countries and hopefully we are now on top of the COVID 19 virus. Fingers crossed this lasts.
Due to COVID 19 restrictions, we have carried out a number of new practices over the last few weeks and like many schools, we have seen significant benefits in some of these changes. Rather than just revert back to our old ways, we would like to retain the best parts of what we have learnt. I expect you as families are doing similar adjustments.
The Golden Rules for everyone at Alert Level 1 (From Government information)
- If you’re sick, stay home. Don’t go to work or school. Don’t socialise.
- If you have cold or flu symptoms call your doctor or Healthline and make sure you get tested.
- Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands.
- Sneeze and cough into your elbow, and regularly disinfect shared surfaces.
- If you are told by health authorities to self-isolate you must do so immediately.
- If you’re concerned about your wellbeing or have underlying health conditions, work with your GP to understand how best to stay healthy.
- Keep track of where you’ve been and who you’ve seen to help contact tracing if needed. Use the NZ COVID Tracer app as a handy way of doing this.
- Businesses should help people keep track of their movements by displaying the Ministry of Health QR Code for contact tracing.
- Stay vigilant. There is still a global pandemic going on. People and businesses should be prepared to act fast to step up Alert Levels if we have to.
- People will have had different experiences over the last couple of months. Whatever you’re feeling — it’s okay. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself.
Other points to note:-
- Winter Sports are coming back – great news! Thank you to all the committed Mums and Dad Coaches, Managers and supporters. Have fun everyone!
- Contact tracing:- Do you know where you went and who you socialised with on May 29th May and every day since? Please keep your contact tracing information and your children’s. Our school code is now on each gate and the football tracing code is also up on gates for you to scan in as you enter our site and the sports fields.
- Water Fountains – yes they are now able to be used again.
- Friday PTA Biscuits – we will hopefully be resuming these this coming Friday, for everyone to enjoy.
Have a wonderful weekend – enjoy this great country and local businesses.
Cricket and Touch Gear
Please return all Cricket Bags and Touch Balls from Term 1 to Matai 11. Thank you in advance.
Mrs Copponi

Donations of Yarn Appreciated
We are looking for brightly coloured and white yarn (thick or thin wool or cord) for artwork within the Pirongia Syndicate. Any donations will be gratefully accepted. Please can these be dropped off in the cloak bay of Kōwhai 4 or the foyer of the school office, in the boxes provided.
Thank you for your generous donations.
Laura Grant

Thank you to our Tamahere Model Country School Sponsors

Featured Sponsors of the Week…
Where every day is a learning adventure
We live our motto “where everyday is a learning adventure”. Our programme follows the interests of our children while incorporating literacy and numeracy skills .
We have a talented team of teachers who genuinely care about the development and nurturing of your child. We enjoy working collaboratively with Tamahere Model Country School to ensure a smooth transition to school programme for 4 yr olds.
We have small group sizes and care for children from 3 months to 5 years.
We are open 7.30am to 5.30pm weekdays.
Good News! We currently have some spaces for under 2 year olds, 3 year olds. With children moving through to school, we plan ahead and welcome your enquiries for future months or years.
Our fees vary depending on hours booked. We have a minimum daily attendance of 6.5 hours. For 3 and 4 year olds, we do utilise the 20 ECE hour funding.
For enquiries please email us at admin@lilpumpkins.co.nz or ph 07 8590090.
“To us, it’s not about how many projects we can build each year, instead it’s about the relationships we build along the way.”
Edventure Hamilton – Holiday Programmes – Are Back!!! July 2020
After Covid close-down we are excited to announce that day holiday programmes will be back up and running in July 2020 and camps will be back in September/October.
Check out our range of different programmes.
- Edventure Everyday – arts crafts, fun and games for everyone. $45 /day, 5-13 yr olds,
- Edventure Sports – drills, skills & modified games across several sporting codes.$45 /day, 5-13 yr olds,
- Edventure Outdoors – a different field trip to some amazing outdoor activities. $75 /day, 8-13 yr olds,
A programme running everyday for 5-13 yr olds,at Berkley Normal Middle School, OSCAR available, planned and run by teachers, for more info or to BOOK NOW visit www.edventure.co.nz or ph 021 0224 1576
See you on your next EDVENTURE.