Parents we still love and value you!
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Grandparents, Legal Guardians & Whānau,
We hear that a number of you are feeling awkward about coming on-site now and feeling that we don’t want to see you. I am very sorry if the newsletters have read this way to you. Our teachers love the incidental interactions and it is important that there is a strong connection between school and home to support students. Popping in to see work in the classroom etc is absolutely positive. So please feel welcome to join us!
We want to retain some of the increased levels of independence and empowerment that many students have achieved over the COVID-19 level restrictions. We are still at Level 1 and sadly not out free of COVID yet. We love it that we have gained around 15 – 20 minutes learning time a day, and that we start and finish in such a settled way (This has been echoed by other schools – Seven Sharp on Tuesday evening did a segment on this).
The guidelines that we have put out over the last few weeks around timing etc still apply and we ask that you role- model hand sanitising as you head into a class. On Fridays so that you can have more time to socialise together, we will have tea & coffee (instant only, I’m afraid) available in the TCC Kitchen for you to enjoy.

Gourmet to Go!
We are excited to be able to let you know that as from next Thursday, there will be ‘Gourmet to Go’ food trucks parked in our front car park each Thursday night, for a six-week trial. There will be a selection of food outlets available for you to try and meals can be collected from 5:00 pm through to 8:00 pm. This is a first for Tamahere – Takeaways actually in our community!. So if you want this sort of thing – make sure you spread the word and support them. What a great opportunity!

Farewell Mrs C
We are sad to let you know that our wonderful Mrs Rachel Coxhead will be leaving us at the end of the term. Rachel has been with us for 12 years and has been a most caring and professional Teacher Aide, who has always gone well above and beyond what has been expected of her. We will miss Rachel’s smile and ready laugh – a person who is always there to help others. Thank you, Rachel – you have made a huge difference to many of our students over the years and we will miss you a lot. We wish you well as you spend more time on your family business and your beautiful family.

Enviro Warriors
Thank you to Mrs Dunton, Miss Spence, Mr Wickens and an enthusiastic team of Enviro Warriors who walked the block at lunchtime on Wednesday, picking up a lot of rubbish along the way.
There were so many keen enviro warriors that we plan another rubbish pick up next week.

PTA Friday Afternoon Biscuits
We are happy to announce the return of the much loved Friday ‘Big Biscuits’, for sale for $1.00 each (cash only please), available after school from outside Karaka 15 and the Junior area.

James Russell Author Visit – next Tuesday 23rd June
James Russell, the author of the Dragon Defenders series is visiting our school next Tuesday. Before the visit students and parents are able to order signed copies of his books, with order forms available at the school library and the office.
For anyone unfamiliar with James Russell, he is the author of the best-selling Dragon Brothers Trilogy
(picture books, for ages 3-7) and The Dragon Defenders novel series. (Whitcoulls #1 novel series by a Kiwi author, for ages 7-12).
These books all have unique digital ‘augmented reality’ content, accessed by downloading a free app, bringing the world of Flynn and Paddy alive.
You can purchase a signed copy of The Dragon Hunters, The Dragon Tamers,The Dragon Riders
or The Dragon Defenders book 1, 2, 3 or 4. Books are $20 each. Alternatively, you can view and purchase at
If you would like to place an order, please return your forms and money (cash only) to the school office. If you elect to pay online, this must be paid to ‘Dragon Brothers Books” bank account: 06-0103-0314619-00 and put your name as the payment reference. Please remember that we still need the forms to be handed in to the school office by 4.00 pm Monday 22nd June. Unfortunately, we will not be able to process any orders received after that time.

Donations of Yarn Appreciated
We are looking for brightly coloured and white yarn (thick or thin wool or cord) for artwork within the Pirongia Syndicate. Any donations will be gratefully accepted. Please can these be dropped off in the cloak bay of Kōwhai 4 or the foyer of the school office in the boxes provided.
Thank you for your generous donations.
Laura Grant

Featured Sponsors of the Week…
For the next couple of weeks, we are featuring some sponsors and give them an opportunity to share what their business can do for you…

First Credit Union has been helping people with their finances for 65 years!
First Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial cooperative that promotes saving and provides personal loans to its members. Our members enjoy a safe, convenient place to borrow at reasonable rates in an organisation that exists to benefit them, not profit. We are proud to offer school banking services to the children of Tamahere School.

New World Hillcrest is a proud sponsor of Tamahere Model Country School. We are locally owned and regularly support Tamahere School for community and school events. Come along to our store in Hillcrest to shop local, shop New World Hillcrest!

As one of the fastest growing accounting firms in New Zealand, we are recognised as a ‘leading firm’ and are renowned as a practice that is genuinely focused on people, technology, innovation, relationships, sound advice and interpreting numbers to deliver you a business advantage. Community minded, our business prides itself on supporting and contributing to community wellbeing. Give us a call on (07) 222 3341 or pop into our offices in the Devine Road development behind the school and one of our professional team would be more than happy to discuss your accounting requirements.
Waikato District Blueprint Community Meeting – next Tuesday 23rd June