PJ Day Tomorrow – Friday 7th August
How cool is it to wear your PJs to school? Well, you can do just that tomorrow for our PJ Day!
A massive thank you to everyone who has already donated bedding, PJ’s and sleepwear, which will be given to the charity SleepWell MoePai to distribute the items to people in need.
We are still accepting donations, including gold coin donations, up until the end of tomorrow, so please continue to donate bedding (singles are in big need!), PJs and sleepwear (slippers & dressing gowns, etc), to our School Office. Please make sure everything is in good condition and washed prior to dropping it off.
On behalf of SleepWell MoePai and all the people in need a BIG Thank you!

Junior Poetry Presentations Next Week
Our Taupiri students will be proudly sharing their poetry in their classes next week, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Please refer to the presentation timetable that has been sent home by your child’s teacher.
We look forward to this opportunity, and hope you are able to join us in celebrating the students ‘can do’ attitudes.

Cross Country – Thursday 13th August

We are really looking forward to welcoming parents, grandparents and supporters to come along to watch our annual School Cross Country next Thursday the 13th of August. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the weather cooperates. If not, the postponement day is Wednesday 19th of August.
Maungatautari and Pirongia will be holding their cross country during the morning block, with the Taupiri cross country starting after lunch at 1:15pm.
Here is an outline of the days races: Races will start at approximately 10.00am, in this order:
Year 6 Boys
Year 6 Girls
Year 5 Boys
Year 5 Girls
Year 4 Boys
Year 4 Girls
Year 3 Boys
Year 3 Girls
Lunch approx 12pm-1pm
Taupiri Races will start at approximately 1.15pm, in this order:
Year 1 Boys
Year 1 Girls
Year 0 Boys
Year 0 Girls
Year 2 Boys
Year 2 Girls
Children are to wear their Whanau shirts, suitable running shorts (Skorts are okay along with uniform shorts or any Tamahere sports shorts) and running shoes. Please ensure your child brings a change of warmer uniform to put on after their race, as they may get wet, muddy and cold. Please also make sure your child has plenty of food and water.
Disclosure of Risk:- Below are the possible risks your child could be exposed to on this day and the safety measures that are in place.
- Medical Safety – All students / parents are asked to ensure each child has their asthma inhalers with them and epi pens and other medication, where required. Please ensure your classroom teacher is aware of your child’s medical conditions. Our teachers are 1st Aid trained and we will have first aid kits available.
- Exhaustion / dehydration / exposure – All children need to have plenty of food and drink for the day and sunscreen along with enough warm clothes in case the weather changes. If the forecast is for rain – bring a waterproof raincoat, to wear outside of our uniform.
- Loss – Every year whanau shirts and other items seem to go missing – please ensure all clothing items are clearly named and there are bags to carry them home.
The Country Schools Cross Country will be held at Newstead Model Country School on Thursday the 28th August. This team will be selected from our top runners in Year 4-6.
Thank you,
Ann Marie Copponi & Jo Metcalfe
Teacher Only Days – Friday 14th & Monday 17th August
Please remember our long weekend in the middle of our term is just one week away. Our school will be closed on Friday 14th August and Monday 17th August, due to our staff being involved in Teacher Only Days, as shared last week.

Save The Date – Sports Photo’s
This is a notice for all our school sports team coaches and managers, to let you know that we will be having Team Photo’s on Thursday 20th August in the TCC. You are welcome to join in with your team. A schedule of the day will be shared next week.

PTA Parents Thank you
We would like to thank all the wonderful PTA Parents who created an amazing dinner for our teachers to enjoy last night, while they were involved in the Learning Celebrations. We really appreciate your continued support and the yummy dinner!

Thank you Punnet!
We have another very special thank you this week, which goes to our neighbours at Punnet, who very generously shouted all our staff to a free & much appreciated coffee on Wednesday morning.

Pirongia (Pool Steps) Playground – Can you help us with welding?
As shared in last week’s Newsletter, we are very excited to be creating Tayla G’s boat design based around the old pool steps. We have received one offer to assist but we are looking for some other clever parent(s)/grandparent(s), who can help us with some stainless steel welding and connections, to attach the viewing/walk the plank and evacuation slide. Do you know of anyone or do you have the skills to help us out?
Also does anyone have an old slide we could have, which doesn’t need to be very big?
We are looking forward to getting the project underway!

AG Day News
We are looking forward to celebrating our Annual School Agricultural Day during the first week of Term 4, on Thursday 15th October.
On this day our school will be open to our community, family and friends to celebrate our children’s achievements and our agricultural heritage.
We are very excited to be welcoming calves back this year, and also creating a new section for Ponies! Further details to come on Pony entrant criteria.
To enable our whole school to be involved in the day, all students will have the opportunity to bring an animal, a caged pet or our students who do not choose to bring an animal, will compete in the ‘Horticultural Happenings’ activities, which will be notified closer to the time.
Having the opportunity to rear a pet is very special. The skills and hard work put in to raise and care for a live animal are also a great way of learning very important life skills and responsibility.
If you are new to Ag Day, welcome! There are a number of resources and information leaflets that can be picked up from our school reception or local vets.
How to enter an Animal for Ag Day
Each child that wishes to enter an animal into Ag Day will need to complete an entry form, which can be collected from the School Office. Entry forms will need to be returned by the end of Term 3 to allow for all the data to be entered and ribbons to be ordered.
We will be holding an Animal Demo and Judges Visit day during Week 8 of Term 3, to give advice on how to look after the animals and prepare for Ag Day. All children entering animals should attend and parents are also welcome.
A Free Animal Health Check day for lambs, goats and calves is also kindly offered by one of our Sponsors, Cambridge Vets, where they will offer free vaccinations and tail docking. The date for this will be September 12th (Saturday) 9-10am in the TCC carpark.
Pet Diary
Children are also encouraged to keep a “Pet Diary” with details about their Pet’s breed, date of birth, feeding and health details. It is up to the child as to what they choose to submit for this, there is no set criteria. This year children have two options: the first being a hard copy notebook, clear file etc. The second is to create a google slide pet diary. You can click on this link to view an example.
Pet Diaries will need to be submitted for judging at the end of the term.
Animal Contacts:
If you do not already have your own animals, then we have the following contacts available:
Contact Amy Beech 021 542 547
Amy will be offering lambs to be raised, available from mid-August through to October, however the sooner people get in touch with her the better. Lambs are $65 each, then this money is refunded on the return of a weaned, healthy lamb after Ag day. Amy is also able to offer advice on rearing.

Contact Roger Duncan 021 929 163
Roger (and his wife Karen) will be offering calves for sale (not to be returned to farm), they are also available to offer advice, and can sell feed/colostrum etc to assist with the raising of the calf as required.

Unfortunately our previous contact for goats does not have any kids available this year. If any parents know of anyone in the community we would love to hear from you.

Eureka Poultry Farm will be able to supply 7 week old Hyline chicks for anyone that wants to raise a chicken. Cost is $24 per chick and they will be available from 9th September. They will be feathered and old enough to go in a cage outside. Will need to keep an eye on them if the weather turns cold.
Maria at Eureka Poultry Farm will be arranging a day for the chicks to be dropped off and picked up from school.
We will also be having a section for “Show chickens” this year, if children have a special chicken which they would like to bring to show.

Caged pets
A caged pet is an animal that is happy to be caged, so no cats or dogs please, Any questions as to whether it is appropriate please ask your classroom teacher.

As this is a new section this year, further details on entrant criteria and judging categories will be provided shortly.

Trophy Return: Can we please ask that all 2019 trophies now be returned to the school office as soon as possible.

This day could not be achieved without our sponsors and parent helpers. If you have a local business who wishes to sponsor any prizes, or are available to help out our Ag Day committee in anyway please contact:
Frances McKenzie (021 206 9451) francesmcknz@gmail.co.nz
or Rachel Algar (020 422 6711) rachelannealgar@gmail.com
Tui Bees Honey Fundraising
Tamahere Model Country School receives 20% of the sale whenever you buy a pot of Tui Bees delicious golden honey! At the same time you can support a local business and help save NZ bees!
Tui Bees offers two types of honey, a Kanuka / Manuka blend & a Multiflora Manuka honey. Both are available in 500gm & 1kg sizes. If you want your honey order delivered to aunties, uncles, cousins, grandparents or friends, Tui Bees can deliver anywhere in NZ!

Tui Bees are offering a great discount of $5.00 off their Manuka 40+ 1kg pots, making them just $24.95 each, for the month of August!
If you purchase any honey products, please select “Tamahere Model Country School Fundraiser” from the Fundraising drop down list, which appears on the Shopping Cart page and Tui Bees Honey will donate 20% of your purchase to support our school. Please go to https://tuibees.co.nz/ to start shopping.
Thank you for your support!

Disco News – Save The Date
We are very excited to be able to announce that we will be holding a school Disco on Thursday 27th August. We will share more details in the coming weeks.
Kan Tabs for Kidney Kids
Kan tabs are bringing in thousands of dollars to help kids suffering from Kidney disorders and they need our help to collect more.
It would be great if all children and their families could start collecting ring top tabs off soft drinks and canned foods and bring them into school. There is a special collection tin in the office.

The tabs are sold to a recycler and the funds raised are passed on to the Kidney Kids Support Group.
At the moment there are about 1250 children who require dialysis treatment or additional support from Kidney Kids. Kidney Kids is a not-for-profit parent driven organisation that assists parents of children who have kidney disorders.

School Banking is Returning in Term 4